Saturday, June 26, 2010

Writer's Rule #1 : Save Your Work

So, my friends, I was writing an entry about music stores. Something I have wanted to explore for a while now and tonight seemed like the night to do so. I was really getting into it. The creative juices were really flowing and I felt like I was on fire. (In a good way.)

I worked on it for 25 minutes before I accidentally hit the "Back" button on my keyboard and "poof" my entry disappeared.

I had commited one of the writer's deadly sins: Always save your work or risk losing it -- Forever.

Don't you HATE it when that happens?

So, friends, what entries have you lost due to a power failure, hitting the wrong key or just having your computer eat it for lunch?

Imagine what could have been. Sigh.

1 comment:

Learn Digital Marketing said...

Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.